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“Is this going to lead to another war?”...The reason why the US and China are fighting like crazy these days “Is this going to lead to another war?”...The reason why the US and China are fighting like crazy these days Don't export to China! Last month marked one year since the war in Ukraine broke out. This war is significant in that it ushered in deglobalization again after World War II and the beginning of a full-fledged new Cold War. It is a confrontation between the West and the anti-West, represen.. 2024. 1. 2.
“Should I sell right now?”...Why the coin market collapse is predicted now? “Should I sell right now?”...Why the coin market collapse is predicted now? Why 99% of scam coins disappear The Financial Services Commission recently announced a plan to improve the disciplinary system for issuance and distribution of token securities. Token securities issuance is called Security Token Offering (STO) in English. Beyond stocks, real estate, and simple coins, a new investment wor.. 2024. 1. 2.
From now on, you should buy ‘this’ instead of Samsung Electronics stock. From now on, you should buy ‘this’ instead of Samsung Electronics stock. Samsung can now issue coins too? Q. The Financial Services Commission recently announced that it will officially introduce security tokens, STOs. What does this mean from an investor perspective? I will only tell you the main points about STO. If you are interested in the details, please come and learn from me. STO stands f.. 2024. 1. 2.
“One out of three people in the country did it.” These days, if you don’t know this, you’re a beggar. “One out of three people in the country did it.” These days, if you don’t know this, you’re a beggar. Recently, interesting statistics related to the ChatGPT craze were announced. It is said that one out of three Koreans have experienced this conversational AI. According to a recent survey of about 1,000 adults by the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 35.8% responded that they had used Cha.. 2024. 1. 2.